Automotive Service

Automotive Service, Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair - Sixth Edition
Featuring many new additions and revisions, the fully updated Sixth Edition of AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE: INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR is the ideal resource to help learners develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in a range of automotive careers. This best-selling guide covers all eight major areas of automotive technology, combining clear explanations and detailed, high-quality illustrations to help readers master theory related to vehicle systems operations, plus step-by-step instructions for hands-on troubleshooting and repair procedures. Reviewed by teachers and industry experts for technical accuracy, and aligned to the latest ASE Education Foundation Automotive requirements, the new edition is perfect for learners enrolled in programs accredited by the ASE Education Foundation, as well as individuals who want to develop critical-thinking skills for career success.
What’s new in the 6th Edition?
Producing a new edition of a successful book is a lot of work! It is rewarding for the author to be able to update and improve on an earlier project. The world of Automotive Technology is in a state of constant flux. This book has been developed with the student in mind, by an author with many years of teaching experience. It would not the most accurate and up-to-date book on the market without the many competent reviewers who have provided so much valuable input over the years and in this new edition. New information and updates to Automotive Service 6e follow closely on the heels of the substantial updates and new chapters in the previous edition.
New and updated information to Automotive Service 6E include:
Self-parking vehicles, autonomous (self-driving) vehicles, future trends, telematics, and advanced body electronics.

The ABS chapter has been entirely updated and revamped, including active wheel speed sensors and the latest technologies in adaptive braking including active brake assist, rain drying brakes, knock back mitigation, electronic brake force distribution, and electronic stability control. Updates to ABS service, including testing digital wheel speed sensors with a graphing meter or scan tool.
The latest tire pressure monitoring information has been incorporated into the tire chapters.
The cooling system chapters have been revised and updated to include the most recent coolant recommendations and service information. Ed Eaton has been an important contributor to this revision. Mr. Eaton is an engineer who is a member of the ASTM International Committee D15 on engine coolants. Ed is an expert in engine coolants and his input was invaluable in updating the cooling system chapters.
R1234yf refrigerants are now supplied in most new vehicles. The air conditioning chapters have been revised and updated to include this and new refrigerant laws and technology.
Other chapters in the book have been revised and updated to remain current.